Saturday 0510pm            Al Gore        George Bush
Election 2000                                            Clinton's Racial Initiave    J. C. Watts

SETTING THE SCENE: Clee Simmons and Turk Willis are operating a two chair show late on Saturday afternoon.  They are whooped down as usual from the rush of customers wanting to look good on Sunday morning.  An exuberant Reverend Archible enters touting yet another cause...

Rev:  Good morning all.  Brother Simmons, Brother Willis.

Clee:  Hello Rev.

Turk:  Reverend Archible.

Rev:  Is everybody here ready to vote?  Are you prepared on the issues?  Are you registered?

Clee:  You know Rev, this is a little early and it’s not really building up to be a very exciting campaign.

Turk:  (speaking under his breath) Oh Lord here we go.

Rev:  Wrong on both counts brother Simmons.  I know your parents and I know that dey raised you better en dis.  It is never to early to register and this will probably, in the end, become the most exciting election in history.  Especially for Black folks.

Clee:  Ok Rev you’re right on the voter’s registration aspect, but you have to admit that the candidates and their campaign rhetoric just ain’t hitt’n. There is nothing that seem to interest us common folks, black white or otherwise.

Rev:  Cleophus…

Turk:  Oh Oh, it’s on now! He done called you by your given name.  Take a seat Rev I think you might be here a while.  I don’t have to go to church.  I gets my sermon on right here at work.

Clee:  Chill Turk.

Rev:  Cleophus….  You know in the last election brother Broughters predicted Clinton would win. His premise was based on the excitement/controversy relative to race relations that are typically associated with Democratic candidates and the money to be made in the midst of such a commotion.  And you know I agreed with brother Broughters back then.

Clee:  Yes Rev I remember, keep talkin'.

Rev:  Well Clinton was elected and promptly started a national forum on race relations.  Do you boys remember that?

Clee:  Yes I do.

Turk:  I seem to have some vague remembrance  but I’m not sure.

Rev:  Turk, that’s the answer that I hear most in the community and amongst my church members.  And that's the answer that the "Big Boys" want you have.  You have to remember that the strife of the racial divide has always played as money making advantage to the wealthy.  The rich essentially make money while everyone else is looking the other way.  With Clinton's racial forums working against them, the wealthy successfully sought to embroil him in a good scandal.  A scandal that would result in impeachment and then resignation. Well the president didn't resign but the media coverage of the scandal took the racial forums right off the front page and off of the American Landscape.  The forums were a great concept but the powers that be,  the folks that really run this country, snuffed it out.

Now this is my analysis of  “Election 2000”.

1. You see, the Lewinsky scandal provided too much excitement and the public is burned out.  I think the next election will be a call for quieter times, a change of guard and a nod to the Republicans.

2. Bush's strong record of capital punishment gives him that tough no nonsense persona.  He'll become the nations conscientious enforcer.  The President who can simultaneously eradicate the Columbine mentality that is gripping middle American youth while maintaining pro NRA legislation.  Appearing to be everything to everybody.

3. Clinton is the first Modern president not to have served in the “big war”.  His presidency has helped America to break away from the post World War II manufacturing utopia mentality that has been the frame work for this country’s business and social structures.  We are now in the information age, an age of inclusion.  Let me ask you this, has a security guard ever followed you around the internet to see if you were going to steal anything? In America today, if you're not in the game its because you're not trying.

Well after all of that, my point is that America still has its problems but things are moving swiftly in the right direction.  The old guard with its exclusionary practices and thinking are moving on.  These days people want performance and results from wherever and whoever they can get it.  So my third premise is not so much a knock against the Democrats as it is a big plus for the Republicans.  Sometimes folks have short memories.  In 1988 George Bush senior walked out on a limb and picked Dan Quale as his running mate.  Well in my opinion the apple dosen't fall far from the tree.  I predicts that George Bush junior will follow in his daddy's footsteps, walk out on a limb and select J. C. Watts as his running mate.  The Bush/ Watts ticket will win by a landslide.  Gore will just serve as their foil.  And for the first time in modern history the republicans will garner a significant black vote.

Turk:  Rev you are to deep.

Clee:  Rev if I weren’t busy with these clients I would give you some good rebuttal.  You know that your position has some major weaknesses.  But I cant pass this up.  Do you really think black votes will vote for republicans in large numbers because of J. C. Watts?

Rev:  Just live and learn Cleophus.  This old man still knows what he’s talking about.  Watts is a relative unknown whos national image can be crafted appropriately.  But if you want to discuss it some more just catch me after church on Sunday.  Hey by the way, I haven’t seen you in quite a while.  Where have you been spending your Sundays?

Clee:  Uhhhhh I’ll be there this Sunday Rev, no doubt.

Rev:  Word is bond?  As the young folks say.

Clee:  Word is bond Rev.  Word is bond.

Turk: (Turk laughing under his breath) Ha ha, awe man. Lanovia has my boy in the doghouse again.

The End..